6.0 Initialization of L IF TKIT b efore c on n e ction to ro b ot c ontroller
LIFTKIT has to be initialized before its first operation. For
this step, the handset included has to be connected to the
LIFTKIT's SCU controller. Follow the steps below:
1. Follow the electrical connections steps 1-6 described in
Chapter 5 – Electrical connection
2. If the SCU is not connected to the UR controller, or the
UR controller is switched off, an override of the emer-
gency stop link to UR has to be activated. Short-circuit
the three wires with the provided clamp as shown in the
figure 2.
3. Press both handswitch buttons simultaneously for about
5 seconds, until the SCU rattles and beeps. Now the pil-
lar will run at 50% speed and force.
4. Move the pillar downwards until it hits the end position.
The SCU controller beeps.
5. Move the pillar upwards to the top position until it hits
the end position. The SCU controller beeps.
6. Now the end positions have been identified and virtual
limits have been set to always stop the pillar using soft
7. The pillar should move without beeping at its full speed.
If it does not reach its full stroke, or it continues to beep,
repeat the initialization procedure.
Fig. 2
1 - Standard operation
2- Initialization
E-stop override
6.0 Initialization of LIFTKIT before
connection to robot controller