ersion 1.21 December, 2018
copyright 2018 EVTV LLC
Some configuration items on the Battery Display require you to enter short
strings of text. A small wireless keyboard is provided to enable this. For
example, you must select your home wireless hub in setting up your display
and that usually requires you to enter a password. You can use this
keyboard to enter that.
But once you are on your wireless system, there IS an easier way.
Virtual Network Computing
) is a graphical desktop sharing
system that uses the Remote Frame Buffering Protocol to remotely control
another computer. It transmits keyboard and mouse events from one
computer to another, relaying the graphical screen updates back in the other
direction, over a network.
VNC is platform-independent – there are clients and servers for many GUI-
based operating systems. Multiple clients may connect to a VNC server at
the same time. Popular uses for this technology include remote technical
support and accessing files on your work computer from your home
computer, or vice versa.
VNC was originally developed at the Olivetti & Oracle Research Lab in
Cambridge, United Kingdom. The original VNC source code and many
modern derivatives are open source under the GNU General Public License.
The Battery Display has VNC Server already installed on it using the
remote framebuffer protocol.
In 2002, AT&T closed their Cambridge, UK research laboratory, formerly
the Olivetti Research Laboratory, ending a productive, decade-long
collaboration with the world-famous Computing Laboratory at the
University of Cambridge.