3. Description
Y-style flow-through assembly
The Y-style flow-through assembly is available
in a non-pressurized version and can be fitted
with a pH, ORP (Redox) or fluoride sensor.
3.9.1 Design
Fig. 9
Y-style flow-through assembly
A Sensor holder
Outlet (open)
D Sample water valve
Sample water inlet
3.9.2 Function
The following section describes the functional
principle of the Y-style flow-through assembly
from the sample water inlet to the sample
water outlet (see chapter 3.9.1). The installa-
tion of a ball valve on the input side is recom-
The sample water supply is connected on the
input side via the 1/2” NPT connection. A ball
valve for setting the sample water flow must
be provided on site.
The sample water flows over the optional
strainer, which has a mesh size of 0.2“
(0.5 mm) and prevents dirt particles penetra-
ting into the Y-style flow-through assembly.
The strainer must be provided on site.
The sample water supply is connected on the
output side via the 1/2” NPT connection. The
sample water outlet is not pressurized.
The pH, ORP (Redox) or fluoride sensor is
mounted in the sensor holder.
3.10 Sensors
The sensors are screwed into the cell body
cover of the flow cell and connected to the
electronics module.
The pH, ORP (Redox) and fluoride sensor can
also be installed via the Y-style flow-through
assembly and connected to the flow cell.
3.10.1 DEPOLOX® 5 C - 3-electrode cell
See chapter 3.7.2 “3-electrode cell”.
3.10.2 pH sensor
The pH sensor is designed as a pH single-rod
measuring cell.
The pH-sensitive element is the membrane
made of special silicate glass, a rounded tip at
the lower end of the pH sensor. The reference
electrode is a silver/silver chloride electrode
(Ag/AgCl) and, together with the pH elec-
trode, forms the measuring cell. The reference
electrode is the stable electrical reference
point for voltage measurement.
The electrolyte is a saturated potassium chlo-
ride solution. As the chloride concentration of
the electrolyte remains almost constant, the
potential of the reference electrode is also
constant. Salt rings as an additional salt depot
further increase the service life of the pH sen-
A ceramic membrane permeable for the elec-
trolyte provides the electrical connection to
the measuring solution. This ceramic memb-
rane is particularly suitable for the treatment
of water in swimming pools and baths and
drinking water, as the electrolyte can only
flow slowly through the pores of the ceramic
pin, thus ensuring very long service life for the
entire pH sensor.
The pH sensor can be installed in the non-
pressurized and pressurized version of the
DEPOLOX® 5 C and VariaSens C flow cells.
The pH sensor can also be installed in the Y-
style flow-through assembly for individual