Configuring the Windows print driver
When first installing the Windows print driver, the magnetic encoder functions need to be configured. The magnetic encoder functions
are found in the print driver’s
dialogue box by clicking on the
Encoding Settings
“Magnetic Encoder” dialogue box
Magnetic Encoder
dialog box opens when the
Encoding Settings
is selected.
Track settings
is used to select the desired ISO standard for each magnetic strip.
See the table in this Appendix for information regarding ISO 7811 standards.
sets the magnetic encoding to high (HiCo) or low (LoCo) coercivity.
A magnetic strip that is encoded in high coercivity is more resistant to external
disturbance than a magnetic strip encoded using low coercivity.
Direct encoding
is used to directly encode one or more magnetic strips from
this window simply by selecting them and entering the data to be encoded.
Click on the “Send” button (previously “execute encoding”) to run the
encoding cycle.
Automatic extraction
is used to encode magnetic strip cards from applications
under Windows (such as Word for example). A text field enclosed within “|”
and “|” characters (or some other character which the user can define) will
be interpreted as an encoding command by print driver.
Cleaning the magnetic encoder
The magnetic encoder head requires regular maintenance in order to ensure the integrity of the data encoded onto cards.
Cleaning of the magnetic encoder is carried out when the printer runs a cleaning sequence with impregnated cards (see the “Maintenance”
section of this manual for further information).
Repeatedly running the cleaning card through the printer cleans the card feed rollers, the cleaning rollers, the print head and the
magnetic encoder read-write head.
If, in between two routine printer cleaning runs (every 1000 cards inserted), the read-write process fails with more than one card, it is
recommended to run a printer cleaning sequence manually (please see the “Maintenance” section of this manual for the procedure to