1.1 Credits and History:
The AxiDraw project has been active since 2014, when it was first created by Dr.
Lindsay Robert Wilson of IJ Instruments Ltd. in the UK.
Early AxiDraw units had a different de-
sign. It had a smaller format with a chas-
sis made from machined Delrin plastic. It
had two independent timing belts, one
driven by a stepper motor on the base,
and the other by a stepper motor on the
moving carriage. For software, it used a
modified version of the WaterColorBot
driver developed at Evil Mad Scientist.
AxiDraw V2
In 2015, Wilson began collaborating with
Windell Oskay and Lenore Edman of Evil
Mad Scientist Laboratories towards a new
AxiDraw model that would be principally
designed and manufactured in the USA.
This second-generation AxiDraw was en-
larged to reach twice the travel area, to
cover a full page of A4 or US Letter paper.
Its geometry was changed to use a single
drive belt, with two larger stepper motors
stationary on the base. Its major components would now be made of aluminum
(machined or stamped and folded), and the new pen holder could be mounted
vertically or at 45° to the paper.
AxiDraw V3
The third generation, AxiDraw V3, is a full
redesign of the machine for higher perfor-
mance. While previous models had steel
shafts and linear ball bearing slides, this new
version features custom aluminum extrusions
with rolling wheels. The vastly increased stiff-
ness of the structures allow the machine to
operate at roughly twice the speed of the previous version, without a loss in quality.
The AxiDraw V3 family is currently available in several models that differ principal-
ly in available travel area: AxiDraw V3, AxiDraw V3 XLX, and the AxiDraw V3/A3.
There is also a Special Edition, AxiDraw SE/A3, which features a base machined
from a solid block of aluminum.
AxiDraw, 2014
AxiDraw V2, 2016
AxiDraw V3