9.9 Manual Controls
tab of AxiDraw Control allows you to manually execute select, ba-
sic commands and utilities. Select the operation to perform with the Command
drop-down list, and then click the
button. For the two motor walking com-
mands, you can also specify the distance to move the AxiDraw carriage.
The manual commands are as follows:
Walk Carriage (X)
, or
Move (“walk”) the carriage in the X or Y direction by the distance specified. The
distances are specified in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) and may be positive or neg-
ative. The Home Corner is the X=0, Y=0 position, and positive moves in both X
and Y are
away from the home corner
An important note is that no limit checking is performed when manually com-
manding a move from the Manual tab. Take care not to run the AxiDraw into its
physical limits. If you are unsure, you can always disable the motors and move the
carriage Home by hand.
Raise the Pen, Lower the Pen
These two commands move the pen to the pen-up or pen-down position.