Figure 5-1
The panel includes the operation and display parts of the charging machine control cabinet.
The details are as follows:
Power light ——When the external power supply is energized, the input circuit breaker
and auxiliary circuit breaker are closed. The indicator light is on, indicating that the
power supply is ready.
Running light ——The status indicator of the charger is controlled by the charging
machine, and the indicator light is always on when the charging machine is in normal
operation. When the charging machine stops or fails, the indicator will go out.
Failure indicator light of charger——The charging machine state indicates that the
charging machine is normally extinguished under normal condition, indicating the light
is on when the charger fails.
Change-over switch ——The switch ON the charger, when the switch is ON, the main
circuit of the charging machine is closed, and the charging machine controls the
electricity ON the circuit.
Reset button——The reset button of the charger is used to reset the charging machine.
When the charger fails, press the button to reset the fault.
Control Interface——Responsible for charging process control, man-machine
interaction and data recording.