12022-12023-INS-LAB-RevD18 16
Check wheel lock engagement
Check wheel lock engagement at least once a week. If a wheel lock is worn or damaged, have
your GF authorized distributor replace it immediately. Inspect the hardware for looseness or
signs of wear.
Ensure that the locking mechanism operates smoothly. The locking assembly should be tight
enough so that the wheel can not rotate or the lock slip. Check that the locking shoe does not
press against the tire when in the unlocked position. Excessive force should not be required to
either engage or release wheel locks. Oil the wheel lock pivot points with one or two drops of
30 weight oil. Remove excess oil and dirt.
Check handgrips
Check handgrips at least once a week. Ensure that they are not ripped. Ensure that they are
tight and securely fastened.
Check back upholstery
Check back upholstery at least once a month. Inspect for rips, tears and worn spots. Ensure
all upholstery-attaching screws are present, properly aligned, and well-secured. Use a Phillips
screwdriver to tighten mounting screws. Check attaching screws for sharp edges or stripped
screws, and replace if found.
WARNING: Worn or torn back upholstery, or back upholstery with loose hardware, must be
replaced immediately. It may not support body weight.
Check arms
Check arms at least once a month. Inspect for sharp edges or cracks which could weaken the
arm, and replace if found. Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten arm pad mounting screws.
Check for burrs on the screw heads and replace if found. Ensure that screws do not extend into
the padding.
Check backposts / push handles
Check backposts at least once a month. Ensure all mounting hardware is securely fastened and
backposts are not bent or damaged. Contact your dealer if you observe back play, cracking or
peeling paint or plating.
Check footrests
Check footrests at least once a month. Inspect the locking mechanisms to confirm sure
fit. Check for cracks, burrs, or sharp edges, and replace if found. Ensure footrests will
automatically lock securely in place and will not accidentally unlock.
Check front caster stems
Check front caster stems for proper rotation at least every three months. Front caster forks
must swivel freely to facilitate steering and handling. Adjusting the stem nut varies the amount
of force required to turn the caster. If the nut is too loose, the caster will flutter or shimmy;
if the nut is too tight, the Rehab Shower Commode will be difficult to steer. If the front caster
stems requires adjustment, or any caster bearings require replacement, contact your GF
authorized distributor. Ensure that stems are firmly attached to forks, and that forks and stems
are not bent. Evaluate all threads, locking nuts and bearings.
Check caster/wheel bearings
Have your GF authorized distributor check front and rear caster/wheel bearings at least every
six months.