To enter EVENT LOG and see any of the stored logs, press the enter key from the scrolling
menu, press the right arrow key to get past the METER, ALARM, and then press ENTER once
the EVENT LOG is visible. Once in the EVENT LOG menu you will have to use the left and right
arrow key to scroll to the desired event. When you enter for the first time the software always
takes you to the last event number. Once the event number is selected, you will have to use the
left or right arrow key again to view the following information:
Indicates the event number that data is being presented on
Indicates the day that the event took place. This is a rolling day number so if the
event occurred on DAY 0001, it was on the first day the Lite-Minder was started up.
Indicates how long the Lite-Minder ran on battery power. This is useful to indicate if
there was a power outage or just a glitch in AC power.
Indicates what the temperature of that event was in degrees Centigrade.
Measurement of the output voltage during that event
Measurement of the output current during that event
Measurement of the battery voltage at the end of the event
This data in the EVENT LOG is very useful in determining several things. It keeps track of the
temperature for record keeping which is required for warranty purposes. It keeps track of the
battery voltage at the end of the discharge to indicate how deep the battery was discharged
and if it correlates to a healthy battery. The largest benefit of the log though is to keep record of
tests and events for Safety Inspectors so they can see that the unit is functional and has
performed discharges in accordance with NEC codes.
The Lite-Minder has the capability of storing the last 128 events. When the memory becomes
full, the over-write process is first in – first out. This means that event number 129 will over-
write event number one. The event number is kept sequential and its information is not lost so
event number 129 will remain number 129 and not get re-assigned to event number 1.
8.5.1 Date and Time
The Date and Time are adjusted by using the enter key to select which parameter you want to
set and then using the left and right key to change it. Once the parameter is set to the correct
number, press enter or escape to lock the new number in and return to scroll to the next
parameter. The parameters for date and time are:
Hour(24 hour format), Minute(Min), Month(Mon), Date , and Year.
8.5.2 VTD
The VTD (Variable Time Delay) feature is adjustable from OFF ( zero minutes) up to 15 minutes
in 1 minute increments. This function is useful if there is High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide,
or Mercury Vapor High Intensity Discharge Lamps used for illumination. If these types of HID
lights are used, the variable time delay will keep the normally off and switched output lights
energized for the duration the VTD is set for. This allows time for the HID lights to re-strike after
cooling down. The factory default value for this function is OFF.
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