If Furnace Fails to Operate Properly
1. Check setting of thermostat --- and position of HEAT/
COOL switch if air conditioning is installed. If a set---
back type thermostat is employed be sure that the ther-
mostat is in the correct operating mode.
2. Check to see that electrical power is ON.
3. Check to see that the knob on the gas control valve is
in the full ON position.
4. Make sure filters are clean, return grilles are not ob-
structed, and supply registers are open.
5. Be sure that furnace flue piping is open and unob-
If the cause for the failure to operate is not obvious, do
not attempt to service the furnace yourself. Call a quali-
fied service agency or your gas supplier.
Install Furnace Doors
Install the bottom door first by holding the door flush
against the casing and sliding the door down until the
door top and bottom flanges rest in the casing chan-
nels. Then install the upper door in the same manner.
Finish and Trim
Alcove and Closet Installations may now be fin-
ished and trimmed as necessary.
Leave enough gap above upper furnace door to allow it
to be lifted and removed.
See nameplate for conversion and lighting instructions. Ob-
tain a temperature rise within the ranges specified on the
name plate.
Figure 22 -- Anti--Backflow Damper
Duct Connector
Note: For best air delivery install damper with blades
parallel to supply duct.
Furnace and Air Conditioner Installations
In an air conditioner is installed which does not use the
blower for air distribution and operates completely inde-
pendent of the furnace, the thermostat system must have
an interlock to prevent the furnace and air conditioner form
operating at the same time. This interlock system usually
contains a heat---cool switch which must be turned to either
HEAT or COOL to activate either heating or cooling opera-
tion, or a positive OFF switch on the cooling thermostat.
When used in connection with a cooling unit the furnace
shall be installed parallel with or on the upstream side of the
cooling unit to avoid condensation in the heat exchanger.
For installations with a parallel flow arrangement, the fur-
nace must be equipped with a damper to prevent cold air
from being discharged up around the heat exchanger.
Cold air causes condensation inside the exchanger and
can cause it to rust out which can allow products of com-
bustion to be circulated into the living area by the furnace
blower resulting in possible asphyxiation. An air flow acti-
vated automatic damper, P/N 7900---6771, is available from
furnace manufacturer.