EVDRIVE06 | User manual ver. 1.0 | Code 144EPD4I114
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Target position (Psp)
Current valve position % (PAtt)
Communication alarm enable status(Pa01)
Communication alarm delay (Pa02)
FW project
FW variation
FW version
FW revision
Control variables
AI1 type (AI1T used if Piu1 = 0)
AI2 type (AI2T used if Piu1 = 0)
Ai error timeout
Enable valve command (EnaV)
Command (Cmd)
Resynchronization request (ResR)
Functioning mode (Pr02)
Manual valve position set-point (Pr03)
Debug valve step rate (Prd0)
Debug minimum opening (Prd1)
Debug maximum opening (Prd2)
Stabilization delay (Pr08)
Stabilization position (Pr09)
Main control type (Pr01)
SH control parameters selection (SEtP)
set 1: SH set-point (Pc01)
set 2: SH set-point (Pp01)
set 1: LoSH set-point (Pc02)
set 2: LoSH set-point (Pp02)
set 1: HiSH set-point (Pc03)
set 2: HiSH set-point (Pp03)
set 1: LOP set-point (Pc04)
set 2: LOP set-point (Pp04)
set 1: MOP set-point (Pc05)
set 2: MOP set-point (Pp05)
set 1: PID proportional band (Pc13)
set 2: PID proportional band (Pp13)
set 1: PID integral time (Pc14)set 2: PID integral time
set 1: PID derivative time (Pc15)
set 2: PID derivative time (Pp15)
set 1: start-up delay (Pc20)
set 2: start-up delay (Pp20)
set 1: start-up position (Pc21)
set 2: start-up position (Pp21)
Fast action start threshold (FaTh)
Fast action (Fast)
PID neutral zone high threshold (PNHi)
PID neutral zone low threshold (PNLO)
PID proportional constant threshold (Pcz)
PID SH filter time constant (SHFi)
Relay fuction selection (Ph01)
Relay polarity (Ph02)
DI1 function selection (Ph11)
DI1polarity (Ph10)
DI2 function selection (Ph21)
DI2polarity (Ph20)
DI1HV function selection (Ph31)
DI1HVpolarity (Ph30)
AI1 probe usage (PIu1)
AI2 probe usage (PIu2)
AI1 probe type (PIA1)
AI2 probe type (PIA2)
AI3 probe type (PIA3)
AI4 probe type (PIA4)
AI1 scaling X type (P1Xt)
AI2 scaling X type (P2Xt)
AI4 scaling X type (P4Xt)
AI1 scaling X max (P1XM)
AI2 scaling X max (P2XM)
AI4 scaling X max (P4XM)
AI1 scaling X min (P1Xm)AI2 scaling X min (P2Xm)
AI4 scaling X min (P4Xm)
AI1 scaling Y type (P1Yt)
AI2 scaling Y type (P2Yt)
AI4 scaling Y type (P4Yt)
AI1 scaling Y max (P1YM)
AI2 scaling Y max (P2YM)
AI4 scaling Y max (P4YM)
AI1 scaling Y min (P1Ym)
AI2 scaling Y min (P2Ym)
AI4 scaling Y min (P4Ym)
Ts temperature offset (OfsTs)
Te temperature offset (OfsTe)
Type of refrigerant (Pi00)
Enabling mode (Pr06)