TI listed three major IDE’s for LaunchPad software development:
IAR Embedded Workbench
Code Composer Studio
Since Keil was acquired by ARM, for an EE or an ECE course, the Keil seems to be more popular.
Professor Mazidi and Professor Chen have chosen the Keil IDE and wrote a textbook for the MSP432
LaunchPad. Professor Mazidi is a highly regarded author of many textbooks for embedded systems,
and Professor Chen is an ARM controller software expert who wrote and tested all C and Energia
sample programs for the Alice EduBase and the Alice EduPad. We are very grateful for their hard work.
You can purchase their books at Amazon.
Sample programs are available at Professor Mazidi
’s web site:
Chapter 3. On-line resources
MSP432 LaunchPad
user’s guide including schematic:
How to download and install Keil and How to Create a C Project in Keil and sample programs:
This book can be used with Alice EduPad.
If you have any technical questions regarding the MSP432 LaunchPad, you can post a message at
the MSP432 forum. Many TI engineers are active on the forum to answer your questions.
If you have any question regarding the Alice EduPad hardware and need a tech support call us at 1-
847 250-5160 or email your question to evbplus @ gmail.com