1.2 MSP432 LaunchPad features:
The TI MSP432 LaunchPad is a low cost evaluation platform for ARM Cortex-M4F
microcontrollers made by TI. It has many features, the main features of the TI MSP432
LaunchPad are listed below:
Low-power, high performance MSP432P401R MCU
48MHz 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F with Floating Point Unit and DSP acceleration
Power consumption: 80uA/MHz active and 660nA RTC standby operation
Analog: 24Ch 14-bit differential 1MSPS SAR ADC, Two Comparators
Digital: Advanced Encryption (AES256) Accelerator, CRC, DMA, HW MPY32
Memory: 256KB Flash, 64KB RAM
Timers: 4 x16-bit, and 2 x 32-bit
Communication: Up to 4 I2C, 8 SPI, 4 UART
40 pin BoosterPack Connector, and support for 20 pin BoosterPacks
Onboard XDS-110ET emulator featuring Ener Technology
2 buttons and 2 LEDs for User Interaction
Back-channel UART via USB to PC
1.3 Alice EduPad hardware features:
The Alice EduPad board includes the following features for teaching ARM courses:
1. Four user LEDs
2. Four pushbutton switches
3. Four Servo controls or relay outputs
4. Speaker to be driven by timer, DAC or PWM signal for alarm or music applications.
5. 7-segment display
6. 16X2 LCD with a jumper selectable for serial or 4-bit parallel interface
0.96”, 128x64 OLED header
2.2” TFT QVGA display header
9. ESP8266 for WiFi applications
10. Light sensor
11. Temperature sensor
12. Potentiometer for analog input
13. 12-bit DAC
14. Dual H-Bridge for controlling two DC motors or one stepper motor
15. Two analog sensor inputs
16. MicroSD memory card slot
17. Solderless breadboard included
18. PC board size is 6.25" X 3.1