Page 19
Issue 15 Jly 06
3.2.9 RANGE (Cont.)
Scrollable through Off, tc (thermocouple), mV, Volts, mA, RTD, Ohm. If Off, then none of the headings below ap-
pears. Where different input types are to be used, resistive inputs (RTD or potentiometer) should not be connected to
channel 1. If channel 1 input must be resistive, the cold junction sensor must be disconnected as shown in figure 2.2
above, and any thermocouple inputs must then use external cold junction compensation.
These two input range entries represent the lowest and highest values the input is likely to have placed across it, in
engineering units. (E.G. For a thermocouple, the input range would be in ˚C or ˚F.)
This allows a linearisation function to be chosen for the input. The scrollable list consists of the following where the
actual displayed item appears in parentheses {()}, if it is affected substantially by the constraints of the display:
Thermocouples type:
B, C, D, E, G2 ( 2), J, K (CA), L, N, R, S, T, U, NiNiMo (nini), Platinel (Plt).
Resistance thermometers type: Pt100DIN (P100), Pt100ANSII (P10A), JPt100 (JP10), Pt1000 (1000),
Ni100 (N100), Ni120 (N120)
Other linearisations:
Linear, Square root.
For thermocouple or RTD types, the units string can be scrolled between ˚C and ˚F as required. For other types, a
four character units string can be entered, using the text entry techniques described in section 3.2.1 (Character set).
For mV, mA and Volt input types only, this allows a scale low and scale high value to be entered. For example, a volt-
age input of 0 to 5 Volts (input range) may be required to be displayed, for example, as 0% (Scale low) to 100%
(Scale high), or 1000 to 5000 RPM and so on.
Where this appears after the LIN menu item, these entries cater for the case where a remote transducer is attached to a
non-linearising transmitter. In these circumstances a signal of, say, 4 to 20 mA (input range) might be equivalent to
400 to 1600 ˚C (linearisation range). It is this linearisation range which is entered here.
This field appears only when 'type' = tc, and' Lin' is a thermocouple type, and allows the user to use no cold junction
compensation (CJC) (none), the internal CJC supplied by the recorder (int), or an external cold junction held at a
known temperature (Etn). Where external is selected, the following item is 'EJC', which allows the temperature of the
external CJC to be entered.
Allows the temperature of an external cold junction to be entered. See CJC immediately above for more details. This
EJC item appears only when CJC has been selected as external (Etn).
Allows a shunt value to be entered for mA type inputs.
Allows the user to select none, Drive High (drhi) or Drive Low (Drlo) as the recorder's response to an open circuit
) at its input. Where 'none' is selected, the channel drifts according to the induced voltages in the signal
wiring. When selected high (low) the channel will be traced at >100% (<0%) on the chart.
Allows the user to determine the position of the decimal point at the recorder display. The positions can be scrolled
through, from 0.000 through 00.00 and 000.0 to 0000.