Issue 4 Feb 99
Section 4
Page 4 - 10
4.4.3 Stop After One Revolution
When selected, this feature causes the chart to complete one turn from the point at which it was last placed online and
then stop. The tracing will stop, the "Chart online" event source will become inactive and any demand annotation will
print at maximum speed.
4.4.4 Log intervals A and B
Two log intervals can be entered here for the automatic periodic printing of log group 1 on the chart. The cursor key
is used to move from 'hr' to 'min' fields, and the up/down arrow keys to enter the required value. An entry of 0 hours,
0 minutes stops automatic logging to chart at that interval (i.e. A or B). For log content and format, see Group con-
figuration - section 4.6
Log interval A is used under normal conditions. Interval B can be selected only through job action (section 4.1.5)
4.4.5 Printing
If individually selected 'yes', time, date, and chart speed can be on the chart at chart on-line.
If selected 'Yes' low and high end scale values will be printed at regular intervals on the chart.
Twenty user messages of 20 characters each can also be printed as a result of job action.
4.4.6 Adaptive recording
At slow chart speeds, it is possible that a spike or other brief disturbance in the measured signal will be picked up by
the input circuit between chart increments, and they will thus not appear on the chart (even though they might trigger
an alarm). With adaptive recording enabled; if a sudden change in the input signal is detected, the recorder will put
an extra dot on the chart without the chart being moved. This means that even at the slowest chart speeds, fast sig-
nals can still be traced on the chart.
When adaptive recording is enabled, it applies to all channels.