User manual - EUROPRO 50TH / EUROPRO 100TH
You just acquired one of our
machines and all the team
of Europe Projection thanks
you for the confidence
you have granted us.
Manufacturer of professional
equipments for paint and
fillers, we have put our
know-how for 25 years
at the service of the
users of our machines.
Our technical & commercial
team is at your disposal
for any further information
you may need about the
machine you just acquired.
228, avenue Olivier Perroy
Tél : +33 (0)4 42 29 08 96
1. USER MANUAL ............................................................. p. 3
1.1. Importance of the manual .........................................p. 3
1.2. Receivers of the manual ............................................p. 3
2. WARNING .................................................................... p. 4
2.1. Safety .....................................................................p. 4
2.2. End-of-life of the product ..........................................p. 5
3. YOUR MACHINE ........................................................... p. 6
3.1. Description ..............................................................p. 6
3.2. Technical characteristics ...........................................p. 6
3.3. Identification of the components EUROPRO 50TH
.......p. 7
3.4. Identification of the components EUROPRO 100TH
.....p. 8
4. USE OF THE MACHINE ................................................. p.10
4.1. Prerequisites ............................................................p.10
4.2. Starting up ..............................................................p.10
4.3. Stopping of the compressor .......................................p.10
5. DEFECTS AND REMEDIES ............................................. p.11
6. MAINTENANCE ............................................................. p.12
6.1. Once per week
6.2. Every 200 working hours
7. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ................................... p.13
8. WARRANTY CONDITIONS .............................................. p.15