Service Settings
Pro iding all he differen op ions for he ser ice and
he sof are, serial n mbers, ho rs of opera ions, emps
of he machine componen s e c.
Yo can safe all he informa ion on a Flash Dri e b in-
ser ing i in o he USB Por and pressing
b on.
Error State
Pro ides informa ion on he errors ha ha e been
occ rred, ho of en and ho man imes.
Software Update
I is sed for pda ing he sof are hen a ne
pda e is a ailable.
Ser ice Cen er
Factor Reset
Resets all the custom settings saved on
the machine and brings it back to the fac-
tor pre set setting
For further information, please contact the JMPRO
Provides all the information about the JMPRO in terms of
general setting of the JMPRO