Eurekazone, LLC
1904 NE Jacksonville Rd Ocala, FL 34470
Phone (352) 620-2262 Fax (352) 620-2576
Step 1
The second stage of assembly involves attaching the legs to the assembled bench frame. If the frame was
assembled upright it may be easier to turn the frame over to assemble the legs. The following is the list of
parts needed for adding the legs:
(4) 34” SME Legs (
Part H
(4) Feet with Connectors (
Part K
(2) 24” T-Track Leg Braces with Hardware (screws, washer, and insert) (
Part J
Install each SME Leg (
Part H
) onto the vertical connector on each Corner (
Part L
). The leg must rest against the
lip on the SSME Side Rails(
Part A
). Tighten all nuts with a 1/2” nut driver.
Part H
against the lip of
the Side Rail
Part A
Step 2
Next, the Leg Braces (Part J) will be installed between the Legs at each
end of the bench frame. The Leg Braces come with the hardware pre-
installed. Loosen the screw and slide the T-nuts at each end into the
outer edge channel of SME Leg. Be sure that the lip on the Leg Brace
is toward the top of the table, this allows for the ability to add an
optional shelf. Locate the Leg Brace 8” from the bottom of the Legs.
Tighten the screws.
Step 3
The final step is to install the feet on the legs (Part K).
Loosen the nut and slide the connector into the bottom of
the SME Leg (Part H). Tighten the nuts. Turn the bench
over. The feet are adjustable to account for any floor
irregularities. Make any necessary adjustments.
Bottom of Leg
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