Euphonix System 5 Hybrid Pilot Operation Manual
Console/Workstation Operations
HUI Applications
HUI is a control protocol developed by Mackie that works with most DAWs. The HUI
protocol is limited by the original HUI specification, and thus the Hybrid must emulate
the physical controls of the actual HUI hardware.
Digidesign Pro Tools
Pro Tools is a multitrack recording DAW that is compatible with the HUI controller.
The Hybrid uses HUI commands and extensive Pro Tools key commands to control Pro
Tools operations. It has the additional advantage of being able to control multiple work-
stations from one surface in a studio with multiple Pro Tools systems. HUI commands
are sent/received via high-speed Ethernet rather than MIDI cables, an improvement
over the original HUI hardware’s design.
Mac OS X users must first install the EuCon Workstation installer. Since HUI and
Mackie Control Universal use MIDI to communicate, they require allocation of MIDI
ports by OSX. The OSX EuCon software creates a virtual MIDI driver with 32 ports,
but actual communication with the Hybrid occurs via the faster and more reliable Ether-
net network. HUI and Mackie Control use four MIDI ports per application. Ports are
allocated in the Euphonix Preferences Pane (
Apple Menu->System Preferences/Eu-
). Figure 2-4 shows a possible application. This configuration is only neces-
sary with HUI and Mackie Control applications. EuCon-aware applications
communicate automatically with the Hybrid.