© Emerging Tech Trans, LLC
Safety Information
Do not open the device without explicit instructions from ETT customer support. Before opening the
device disconnect the AC power supply cable!
This device is for research use only!
Item 1 on the system components list is not MRI compatible.
Only the tubing and the applicator/mouthpiece are MRI compatible and thus allowed into the
magnet room.
Feed all tubing through an appropriately sized wave guide to avoid damage to the connectors.
Contact to ETT
Emerging Tech Trans, LLC
2151 Harvey Mitchell Parkway S
STE 209
College Station, TX 77840, USA
Connecting the Device
Before the first power up
After receiving and unboxing the device inspect the ETT Gustometer 2 for visible damage to both the
package and the actual device. Do not power on the device if there are visible damages or audibly
dislodged parts within the case. Consult with ETT support prior to continuing. If the device passes the
inspection, use the provided power cord, and plug in the device. The compatible AC line voltage range is
from 100 V to 240 V.
Figure 1 - AC power supply port compatible to most countr
AC line voltage.
System components
Congratulations to your new ETT Gustatometer 2!