Installation and wiring
With control via the Low-Level Inputs (also
referred to as RCA Inputs), connect the blue/
white color remote wire from the USB 6 AR to
the vehicle`s head unit so USB 6 AR will be
turn on and off with systems.
With control via the High-Level Inputs, first the
speaker harness will need to be spliced the
wire side of the splitter. Then connect the whi-
te wire to the left [+],white/black wire to the left
[-], grey to the right [+],and grey/black to the
right [-] corresponding vehicle wires, and final-
ly plug the supplied harness into the High-Le-
vel Inputs/power matching connector on the
amplifier panel of the subwoofer.
(1) Use either RCA line
level OR speaker level
inputs. Do no connect
both at the same time.
(2) Make sure that the
switching voltage (blue/
white wire) is connected
when using the cinch