About the Test System
Instruction Manual ATS 400 with SC-NG
Version 4.03
About the Test System
Operating Components at the Front Side (all Types)
Main Switch
The main switch is used to activate the test system.
Depending on the test system, the main switch is either an
illuminated button or a key switch button.
Multifunctional Rotary Switch „Navigation Plus“
For the navigation in the operation menus.
By pushing the rotary switch an input acknowledgment
(Enter) will be released. Swivelling it to the right will move
the focus rightwards or downwards. Swivelling it to the left
will move the focus leftwards or upwards.
Keyboard Foils
Button „PASS“:
Input of the result „GOOD“, e.g. to confirm a visual testing.
Button „FAIL“:
Input of the result „BAD“, e.g. to confirm a visual testing.
Button „START“:
Button to initiate a test or a test step. The startconditions of
a test can be input individually. The start via the starting
button at the front of the test system is one of the freely
adjustable startconditions.