1 . 8 6 6 . 8 7 4 . 6 2 4 4 | I N F O @ M O B I U S T R I M M E R . C O M | M O B I U S T R I M M E R . C O M
Close up the tailgate, and replace the side panels and overflow shelf.
Both rollers on the outfeed side and the top roller on the infeed side can be
removed by simply sliding them out of their cradling brackets.
The bottom (drive) roller on the infeed side is secured in place with a locating
pin. Pull up on the pin to release the roller and pull it out of its cradling bracket.
To reinstall a belt, start by working it onto each of the four rollers, aligning it
into the same channel on each roller.
Once all of the rollers and belts are in place, pull the adjustment plunger and
lower the tension assembly to the desired position.
To reinstall the rollers and belts, simply reverse the process: Start with the
belt-tensioning assembly set to the highest position so that you have maximum
slack to work with. Reposition the four rollers, ensuring the flat part of each
shaft sits flush against the bracket and the locating pin on the drive roller is
secured in its place.
Working through the openings on the two ends and tailgate, pull a belt away
from the rollers and out of the machine. As necessary, proceed with removing
some or all of the belts in the same manner. Note: Removing the rollers can
be done with or without the belts in place. As long as there isn’t any tension
on the belts, it’s easy to work around them.