Extreme Tactical Dynamics ©, 2018
Connecting Accessories to Wail siren
Connect accessories to the ground wire on the ground post
Attach siren accessories to Output 1 or 2. It’s important to fuse siren accessories correctly.
Connecting Accessories to Wail siren
Connect accessories to the ground wire on the ground post
Attach siren accessories to Output 1 or 2. It’s important to fuse siren accessories correctly.
Siren Remote Control Installation Tips
Install the siren remote control in an area that allows the driver to reach the remote control safely under any
driving conditions. If you drill holes to mount the remote, you need to ensure you will not damage any of the
vehicle’s components by drilling. Check for obstructions by checking all sides of the mounting surface. Next,
de-burr all holes and be sure to remove any metal shard remnants before siren remote control installation
continues to prevent damage to the wires during, or after, install.
Warning: Airbag Deployment and Siren Interference
The siren cannot be mounted in an area that could interfere with airbag deployment. If a siren is located in the
path of airbag deployment, it could reduce the effectiveness of the airbag. It could also make the siren a