VG-5000 Administration and Set Up Guide Rev 01 Page 12 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
2.6.4 Remote Channel Edit Page
The Remote Channel Edit page allows the administrator to Add or Edit remote channels for
mapping local T1 channels to T1 channels of another VG-5000. Remote channels are used to
create “Ring Down” functionality between two VG-5000’s optioned with T1 cards connecting to
Turret communication systems. See Figure 9.
Remote Channel Information – Add or Edit properties for remote channel.
Name – Enter or Edit the name of the remote channel
Remote Host IP Address – Enter the IP address of the remote VG-5000 this unit will be calling.
Extension – Enter the remote extension this VG-5000 will be calling. Extensions are assigned
to specific T1 channels in the T1 Configuration page.
Save – Click the “Save” button to store your changes. NOTE: Once changes have been saved
you must click COMMIT CHANGES at the top of the page for changes to take effect.