VG-5000 Administration and Set Up Guide Rev 01 Page 10 Essential Trading Systems Corp.
2.6.2 Local Channel Edit Page
The local Channel edit page allows the administrator to edit properties of the multicast channel.
Dial in and dial out numbers are added to the respective channels to allow other systems to
connect to the Hoot channels such as channels of a T1/E1, SIP end points, etc. See Figure 7.
Channel information – Allows the administrator to edit the name, multicast address and port of
a Hoot channel. The information in this section is retrieved from the WAVE management
server when the “Get Profile & Zone” button is clicked in the Gateway Settings page (Figure 4).
Dial In & Out Number – Allows the administrator to assign a dial in number to allow channels of
a local T1 to connect to the respective hoot group. This also allows SIP endpoints to connect
to the hoot group as well as T1 channels or analog phone calls from another VG-5000 connect
to the hoot group.
Auto Ring Down Trunk – This must be checked in order for local T1 channels to connect to the
respective hoot group. T1 channels are assigned by choosing the TELEPHONY SETTINGS
Voice Activity Detection – If your VG-5000 is optioned with the E&M card, the “Enable VAD on
TX” must be checked to prevent constant generation of multicast packets from the respective
VG-5000. The VAD options are also used for LMR (Land Mobile Radio) applications to
prevent mobile radios from being keyed up accidentally.