Where to get it
Imperial Units
Metric Units
Plunger Mass
Ask vendor to provide it
or weigh it
Pounds (lbs)
Kilogram (kg)
Lubricator Kinetic
Energy Rating
Stamped on lubricator or
ask vendor to provide it
Inch-pounds (in-lbs)
Joules (J)
Table 2
Lubricator / Spring Wear Settings
The Dangerous Arrival Kinetic Energy Threshold should be set to the lubricator’s kinetic energy rating.
We recommend that the Hard Arrival Kinetic Energy Setting be set to 85% of the
lubricator’s kinetic
energy rating.
The Sasquatch allows you to specify alarm thresholds in either velocity or kinetic energy units. It is up to
the user to decide which to use. Velocity thresholds may be more familiar to some users but requires a
manual calculation to check that it is within the lubricator specifications. Kinetic energy lets you use the
lubricator rating directly.
Vision provides a settings page (below) to make the settings changes to the Sasquatch for your specific
lubricator and plunger. You can also check/reset alarm status and statistics. This settings page is shown
below. This tool is useful for initial integration and site auditing. The functionality of this page would
typically be integrated into a SCADA system for automated lubricator / spring wear monitoring.