Content of this configuration
Only the steps required for the configuration of this
product are described below. The configuration of the
complete heating system is described in the "Configu-
ration" manual supplied with the boiler.
Required software version
The configuration of the fresh water module "33"
requires the software version X.35.7 or X.41.0 or
higher. An update must be performed first if a lower
version is installed.
The fresh water module "44" requires the
software version X.46.0 or higher. A configuration
with the previous software interface (up to X.35.X) is
therefore not possible. But the fresh water module
works independently, even without a CAN-bus
connection to the ETAtouch control.
Starting the configuration assistant
The process of starting the configuration assistant
differs depending on the installed software version.
Software version X.35.X and earlier
Increase the authorisation to [Service]. Then open
the [Toolbox] menu by pressing the
button and
the [Configure system] button.
Software version X.36.0 and later
In the system settings
, increase the authori-
zation to [Service] and open the system configura-
tion menu with the [Systems configuration] button.
Start the configuration assistant with the
[Starting the assistant] button.
Description for software version X.36.0 and later
The following description and screen shots represent
the software interface of version X.36.0 and later.
Function block [FWM 2pumps] is already installed
To control the fresh water module using energy-saving
pumps, the circuit board [EM-C] features the separate
[FWM 2pumps] function block; this is already installed
at the factory.
For monitoring purposes, check whether this is
shown in the [Selected function blocks] column
for the circuit board [EM-C 0] in the function blocks
Adjusting options in function block [FWM 2pumps]
The circulation pump is already configured at the
factory (=option [Circulation pump]) as well as the hot
water temperature settings via the potentiometer only
(=option [Target value can be set with rotary knob]).
If, however, no circulation pump is installed or the
hot water temperature should be set with the
ETATouch controller, these options must be deactivat-
This is done by selecting the fresh water module
function block from the [Selected function blocks]
Open options. Deactivate the respective option in the
window that opens:
Press the [Accept] button to save.
Adding fresh water module as consumer
The fresh water module is connected to the buffer
as an additional consumer (together with the
heating circuits, for example). A separate connection is
not required.
If there is not yet any connection between the buffer
and the heating circuit, a new connection must be set
up. For this purpose, press the [New connection]
button and select the [Heating water] connection type.
Connect the fresh water module (as a consumer) to
the buffer (as a producer). See below for an example
with a heating circuit and the fresh water module:
Tab. 5-1: Example with heating circuit and fresh water
If there is already a connection between the
buffer and the heating circuits, the fresh water
module must only be added to this connection as an
additional consumer.
Selected function blocks
EM-C 0
FWM 2pumps
Circulation pump
Target value can be set with rotary knob
Heating water
GM-C 0: Buffer: HC/HWT
EM-C 0: FWM: .
GM-C 0: HC: .