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Connecting the Mains Multiplier 6+
The Mains Multiplier 6+ has two outputs with each a Common Mode filter and four direct
outputs, see figure 3. The direct outputs all have a 10 Amps maximum current each, the
filtered outputs have a 6 Amps maximum current each. The
total current of all six outputs
may not exceed 16 Amps
You can NOT just connect loads to any group,
so read this carefully!
Figure 3. Mains Multiplier 6+
Group I
has four outputs, they are wired directly to the mains. You can connect
heavy loads to this group, like power amplifiers and heavy subwoofers.
Group II
has two outputs, each of them have a separate Common Mode filter.
This group is meant to feed pre-amplifiers, digital surround processors
light to medium subwoofers. Integrated amplifiers can go on this group
as well, but please check power carefully.
The maximum currents or power you can draw from each group is different:
Group I
4 outputs
maximum 10A each
maximum 16A in total
Group II
2 outputs
maximum 6A each
maximum 16A in total
To prevent that you do exceed maximum load, use the power indication (W or Watt) at the
back of your equipment to calculate the total power for each group. The value of the fuse
in your equipment is not important for the calculation.
After checking the power use the following numbers:
Group I
4 outputs
maximum 2300W each maximum 3680W in total
Group II
2 outputs
maximum 1380W each maximum 2760W in total
Total maximum power connected to the Mains Multiplier 6+ is 3680W.