In case you need exact points on your transmitter stick, where the motor starts and where full throttle is, you
can configure manual endpoints as well.
The controller waits for throttle-low position after startup and also every time the motor is stopped due
to any error condition. If the throttle stick is not at the correct position during startup, the ESC plays a warning
It is possible to configure many of the motor parameters, including acceleration, timing, motor gear ratio or
number of poles. The gear ratio and number of poles are important for telemetry to measure the motor speed
influences the motor response on the throttle channel. By decreasing the acceleration value, the
motor response gets faster, providing more “locked-in” feeling. However, the motor consumes more current
and the controller generates more heat. We recommend the default acceleration 1.0s for majority of model
types, including electric gliders, scale models, EDFs etc. For 3D aerobatic flight you might go down to 0.5s or
even less (with care). For the fastest motor response, you may also set the “Fast controller mode” in the
Common Settings.
is defined by the motor type and it is usually recommended by the motor manufacturer. It also
influences the motor power and current consumption. Higher timing can increase the motor power but care
must be taken not to overload the system.
Automatic timing: The timing is continuously adjusted by the internal algorithm. This is a universal
solution compatible with most motor types.
Timing 0° - 10°: Recommended for inrunners.
Timing 15° - 20°: Recommended for most outrunners. It offers good power and efficiency combination.
Timing 25° - 30°: The high torque motors with many poles require the highest timing.
Motor type
should be modified only in some specific cases where it is necessary by the application. There are
three options available:
“Standard” motor type – recommended for most motor types and applications.
“High torque” – if you have problems with motor synchronization during fast acceleration, use this
mode. Preconditions: large outrunner with more than 20 poles, heavy propeller, large current peaks.
We also recommend increasing timing to more than 20°.
“High speed” – use this mode if your power setup exceeds 250 000 eRPM (revolutions per minute
calculated for a 2-pole motor).
Startup power
influences the first few motor revolutions. If you are not satisfied with the automatic mode, you
can set the motor start to be more aggressive (positive values), or as smooth as possible (negative values).
The electromagnetic brake is a standard feature of all ESCs used in electric glider models. The FALCON
controller offers several additional parameters to fine tune the braking function. You can use one of the
preconfigured brake settings, or you can specify all the parameters as you wish.
Brake options:
Off: The propeller spins freely without braking.
Soft: Transition from zero to full braking force in 1.0s.
Medium: Transition to full braking force in 0.7s.
Hard: Transition from 50% to 100% braking force in 0.5s.
Manual: You can specify all brake parameters manually:
Start power – braking force applied from the first moment of applying the brake.
End power – braking force applied after the transition time elapses (usually the full braking
force that stops the motor completely).
Transition – time between brake start power and brake end power. During this time, the
braking force continuously transits from start to end power.
Wait time – time between unpowering the motor and applying the brake. During this time the
motor spins freely without power.