Espressif Systems
Hardware User Guide
Basic steps on how to use the development board:
Step 1
Connect the development board using two USB data lines, one is used to supply 5V
power, one is used to communicate via USB UART interface.
Link for downloading FT232R driver:
Step 2
Short-circuiting connect J82 (Part 5 in Fig. 14) so as to provide 3.3V power to the WiFi
Step 3
Pull up the switch (Part 21 in Fig. 14) that controls CH_PD (the chip enable pin, valid when
the voltage level is high).
Step 4
If not necessary, short-circuiting connect J3 (the chip selection pin of HSPI flash, Part 19
in Fig. 14) so as to close HSPI flash.
Step 5
Pull down the switch that controls GPIO0 so as to enter UART download mode.
Step 6
Connect with the testing board.
Step 7
Pull up the 5V power supply switch so as the supply 5V power. Red light (D12) is an
indicator light for 5V power supply. (Part 3 in Fig. 14).
Step 8
Open the Flash Download Tool and begin downloading.
Pull down the 5V power supply switch so as to switch off power supply when
downloading is completed.
Step 9
Flash boot: pull up the switch that controls GPIO0 (Part 22 in Fig. 14).
UART debug tool can be used to debug.
Step 10
Red light (D2) is an indicator light for the working condition of WiFi.
Blue light (D3) is an indicator light for the communication of the server. (Refer to Part 27
in Fig. 14)
Step 11
Reset button SW1 is used for resetting IoT applications.
Espressif Systems
Jun 1, 2015
30 48