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V 1.0
N.B. pressing the on-off button at any stage will cancel
the changes to that stage or
pressing a button within
20 seconds will save any changes made.
10.7 Setting the timers
The ASHP can be set to come on and go off again for two
periods per day.
However, the most efficient way to run
an ASHP is to leave the unit running ‘always on’ and not to
set the timers.
Should you wish to set the timers against this advice, the
procedure is as follows:
Press and hold the time button for 2
The display will change and the ‘on’
time of ‘timer 1’ can be set using
the up and down arrows to set the
hour. Press set to save the ‘hour’
and move to ‘minutes’. Us the up
and down arrows to set the minutes
then press set again to save the minutes. The display will
automatically move to ‘timer 1 off’. Use the same method
to set the desired ‘off’ time. At the end of that process, the
display will change to ‘timer 2 on’ and once that has been
set, ‘timer 2 off’.
Timer time