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Earth Save Products-ASHP
V 1.8
the unit so that the unit can be quickly and effectively drained down where
required for maintenance.
You must fit a Y-strainer on in-line on the return pipe to the unit. This
is normally fitted in an external location and must have a full flow lever valve
side either side of the strainer to minimise glycol loss during maintenance.
Due to the mix of metals on many systems it is both advisable and preferable
to install a Spirotrap Magnabooster 2
rather than the minimum standard Y
Failure to fit a good quality strainer in the return flow to the unit will
invalidate the warranty on the unit.
XII. Where standard steel radiators are to be fitted, careful consideration
should be given before fitting Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) because
they are not designed to be used with low temperature systems. If the
decision is taken to use TRVs, one must not be fitted in the same room as a
room thermostat.
3.6 Water Pump
If using a buffer tank in the system, you will need to fit a suitably sized water
pump on the water distribution side of the system. This water pump will
need to be wired to receive an appropriate signal from the heating system.
The ASHP-fitted water pump performance parameters are as follows: