Equipment required for controlling one door:
12 volt DC power supply 2 amp minimum (EV-BPS)
Lock - Magnetic (EVML-250)/Yale type keep 12 volt lock (enter D)
Push to exit button (EVEXIT)
Green break glass emergency release (EVEBG)*
*Note:- for use with Magnetic lock only
Functions of the EZ-PROX
The EZ-PROX can control one door by use of tags.
Programmable door open time 00 to 99 seconds.
1000 Tags can be programmed.
Door closed function (contact required).
Programmable rear tamper.
Internal buzzer for tamper monitoring (auto cut off after 1 minute).
10 x Tags
Security Torx Tool
EZ-PROX and back plate
EZ-PROX programmer