Press and hold the PRG key to switch to the programming menu.
Determining Scale Value
When your device is calibrated to its factory settings, it operates at a value range of 0-100.
That is, the smallest reading on the sensor shows 0 on the screen and 100 on the screen. You
can change the scale from this menu.
Use the S-LO for the minimum value of the scale, and the S-HI menus for the maximum
value. To change the value, press the PRG key. The display on the right will start blinking. You
can change the value using the up and down keys. Then press the PRG key again to locate
the decimal point. Then press the PRG key to confirm the value.
For a example application please see page 14.
Determining Factor
You can use the Fctor menu to expand this scale by multiplying it by a fixed factor. The
number of this factor, which is the default value of 1, is multiplied by the values of S-LO and
S-HI to determine the scale value.
For example; When you set the S-LO value to 1, the S-HI value to 20 and make the factor 4,
your device will operate in the 4-80 value range.
WARNING: Changing the scale and factor value does not change the calibration of your
device, it only indicates the displayed value range on the screen. For the calibration of the
device,please see 6.2.3.