NOD32 Typical
Installation Guide
Appendix B: Uninstalling NOD32
To uninstall NOD32, go to ‘Start’ in the lower left hand corner of your computer
screen and select ‘Programs’ or ‘All Programs’ and then the ‘ESET’ folder.
Inside that folder is a file named ‘Uninstall’. Click on this file to invoke the
uninstallation process. This takes a few seconds. When finished, reboot your
machine as prompted and after the PC re-starts, check that the ESET folder
has been removed from C:\Program Files. If it hasn’t, you can now delete this
ESET folder manually by right-clicking your mouse on the folder and selecting
You can now install the full commercial version of NOD32, or re-install it if the
original installation was not successful, and reboot your machine as prompted
once more.