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ESERA-Automation, E-Service GmbH 2019
11302-U V1.5 R1.2 Manual
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LED display
The module has two LED displays. The function of the displays is explained in the following
LED Green
Display for supply voltage via external power adapter
LED Green
Flashes in the case of 1-Wire activity
Permanently flashes in the case of the 1-Wire Data Line short-
We recommend the use of the latest FTDI- and TEMX driver. We do not recommend the use of any driver that
has beta status. Once the FTDI driver is installed, the 1-Wire Bus Coupler with USB interface is available as
software-based serial bus coupler. The 1 Wire Bus Coupler USB can be operated with any software, that is
aligned to operate the COM Port a
dapter „DS9097“.
The 1-Wire Bus Coupler is being operated with 9600 Baud and settings of 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. As
1-Wire interface for the 1-Wire Bus Coupler a Maxim Chip DS2480 is used.
The 1-Wire Bus Coupler was tested with the following software:
IP-Symcon, 1-Wire Viewer (Windows), FHEM
The „Strong Pullup“ function must be activated.
USB-Connection cable
Please note, that the cable length is limited to 5 m in maximum for the USB data cable among the 1-Wire Bus
Coupler and the PC interface. To bridge USB cable sections of 30 to 50 meters, USB long distance extension
cables are offered in our webshop. These long distance extension cables use a CAT5, CAT6 or CAT7 network
cable for data transfer. This network cable cannot be connected with a TCP/IP network or a hub/switch network.
Windows power management for USB ports
As soon as the Virtual Com Port Driver is installed, the 1-Wire Bus Coupler USB may break down after several
hours of operation. This may be caused by the Windows Power Management settings for USB ports. The
energy saving mode is activated in Windows basic settings. To operate the 1-Wire Bus Coupler USB, these
settings must be deactivated.
In Windows7, WHS and Server 2008, the drivers are to be installed with admin rights.
Windows 7 Energy Options
You will find the Windows 7 energy options under:
Start / Control Panel / Energy Options
Windows 7 offers two options:
Energy saving
. The recommended mode is
where it
focusses on PC performance (not energy saving). Under
Advanced Settings,
you have several setup options.
USB, Setup for selective operation:
Uncheck the box. The port will then be permanently
In addition
we recommend the use of the „Presenter View“ as
the computer will operate with no screensavers. Further
information can be found at: