WS330-PEGV4 IP Phone
Escene Communication
Amount Of Line
Account Used
The line key of account used, default is 2
Display Name
It is showed as Caller ID when making a phone call
It is a username provided by SIP Server
Authenticate Name
It is authenticated ID for authentication
It is a password provided by SIP Server
Label with this account.
SIP Server
Server for registration, provided by administrator
Secondary server
When the main server can't work, it also can register in this secondary
Outbound Proxy Server Put into the address with the outbound proxy server.
Secondary Outbound
Proxy Server
When the main out bound server can't work, it also can use this secondary
Poling Interval Time Of
Poling Interval Time Of Registration, default is 32 s.
NAT Traversal
Defines the STUN server will be active or not
STUN Server
Session traversal utilities for NAT.
Share with the line.
BLA Number
BLA Number
Subscribe Period
Subscribe expire time.
Register Expire Time
IP phone automatically registered every time
SIP Transport
There are UDP/TCP/TLS three options
Ring Type
Select this account ringing type.