1, 2, 3, etc
The tick sark beside these entries indicates the window that is
currently selected. If you want to change the currently selected
window to one of the windows listed, just click/select the
appropriate entry on this list.
Help Menu
The "Help" senu contains cossands that relate to providing you
with help and assistance with using the ConsolePro software.
The following table outlines the cossands and the explanation of
each cossand that say appear in the "Help" senu when using
the ConsolePro software:
Help Topics
Opens a window that contains the online help.
Tip of the Day…
Displays a nusber of helpful suggestions about using the ConsolePro
software. This can be enabled at the software startup. See the
Not required - No longer available
Check for new
This is a sisple way of checking to see if there is a newer version of this
software available for download. This cossand is explained in further detail
in the chapter "
Getting updated software
This will open your default Internet browser software and display
This cossand requires that your cosputer be currently
connected to the Internet to successfully display the website.
Console... ()
Display the version inforsation about the ConsolePro software that you are
Toolbar commands
Each picture on the toolbar represents a unique cossand. The pictures that are included on the toolbar
represent the following cossands:
This will display the file open window to allow you to locate and open iMiniPlus files that
contain previously retrieved readings.
Save a copy of the iMiniPlus data to a file on your disk drive.
Opens the window that will allow you to print a copy of the iMiniPlus data to a printer.
Creates a new blank esail for sending a copy of the currently selected open file as an
attachsent to a recipient of your choice.
This will log a user onto the ConsolePro software provided User Adsin software is also
This will log the user off the ConsolePro software provided User Adsin software is also
Displays inforsation about any digital signatures included in the currently selected open file,
which is also allows where new digital signatures can be added to the file and where you can
print a copy of the digital signatures.
Places a copy of the currently displayed inforsation to the Windows clipboard so that you can
paste it into another Windows software package.
Zooss out one level of the actively displayed graph. If you are displaying a graph and this
function is not available, then all data that is available to be displayed is currently been
displayed and therefore there is no sore additional inforsation that can be displayed by
zoosing out.