Waco Instruction Manual
47. Elevator is controlled by the elevator stick.
Check that the direction and distance of
movement is correct.
48. Stick toward the bottom of the transmitter
the elevator should move up. When moved
toward the top of the transmitter the elevator
should move down.
49. If the direction is incorrect, switch the
servo-reversing switch on the front of the
50. Adjust the position of the pushrod to get
approx. 1/2” (13mm) in each direction.
Note: It is important to secure the pushrod by
closing the clevis so that it will not come
loose in fl ight
51. Rudder is controlled by the rudder stick.
Check that the direction and distance of
movement is correct. Stick to the right,
rudder should move to the right and stick to
the left, rudder should move to the left.
52. If the direction is incorrect, switch the
servo-reversing switch on the front of the
53. Adjust the position of the pushrod to get
approx. 3/4” (19mm) movement in each
direction measured at the trailing edge.
Note: It is important to secure the pushrod by
closing the clevis so that it will not come
loose in fl ight
54. Ailerons are controlled by the aileron stick.
Check that the direction and distance of
movement are correct. When you move the
aileron stick to the right the right aileron will
go up and when you move the aileron stick to
the left the left aileron will go up.
55. If the direction is incorrect, switch the
servo reversing switch on the front of the
56. Adjust the position of the pushrod to get
approx. 5/8” (16mm) movement in each
direction measured at the trailing edge
Note: It is important to secure the pushrod by
closing the clevis so that it will not come
loose in fl ight
57. The CG (Center of Gravity) for the Waco is
located 2-3/4” to 3-1/4” (70-82mm) behind the
leading edge of the upper wing at the root of
the wing.
58. Check the CG location by balancing the model
on your fi ngertips (as showm). Adjust the CG
by moving the position of the battery forward
or back inside the fuselage.
Note: The fuselage should be horizontal to the
ground when the model is balancing on your
fi ngertips at the correct CG.