ET 201i DC
STICK (SMAW) Mode Sequence of Operation
Before any welding is to begin, be sure to wear all appropriate and recommended safety equipment.
1. Switch the ON/OFF Switch (located on the rear panel) to OFF.
2. Connect the ground (work) clamp cable to the negative output terminal, and the electrode holder cable to the
positive output terminal. It is essential that the male plug is inserted and turned fully clockwise until connector
locks in place to achieve reliable electrical connection.
This set up is known as DC Electrode Positive or reverse polarity. Please consult with the stick electrode manufacturer for specific
polarity recommendations.
3. Connect the ground (work) clamp to your workpiece.
4. Plug the power cable into the appropriate outlet, and turn the switch to the “ON” position. The power LED light
should illuminate.
5. Set the “Process Selection Switch” to STICK.
6. Set the weld current control knob to the desired amperage.
7. Set the ARC FORCE control knob to 2.
Minimum (0) provides a soft arc, low spatter & low penetration.
Medium (2) provides a normal arc, improved fusion & normal penetration.
Maximum (10) provides a hard arc & deep penetration.
8. Install a stick electrode in the electrode holder.
9. You are now ready to begin STICK Welding
Gently strike the electrode on the work piece to generate a welding arc, and slowly move along the work piece while holding a
consistent arc length above base metal.