The accessory box
When the front door is completely opened, you can pull out the box cover. In the bottom of the
case you find the accessories as shown in the picture below.
Regulation pin
Correction weights
Regulation weights
Pendulum protection cap
Spare pendulum spring
The description above should have proved, that your new pendulum clock is a precision
chronometer of highest quality.
As every other instrument of this kind Cal. 2011 also requires careful handling and a certain
degree of maintenance. We therefore advise you never to keep the clock case open over
a long period of time, in order to prevent dust from depositing on the clockwork.
After 10 years the latest you should entrust your pendulum clock to a competent clockmaker's
workshop in order to have the clockwork cleaned and oiled anew. In the case of a pendulum
clock, which keeps precious time over many years , 24 hours a day, exactly to the second, this
should be self-evident. It will then untiringly do good service over decades and will be passed
on with pride from generation to generation as a precious chronometer.
Technical description
Metallica 80 –
Precision pendulum clock, Cal. 2011
Plates of 4mm thick, nickel-plated, rolled brass
Gear train with 8 precision ball bearings
4 jewelled bearings in chatons
2 agate pallets
Pinions of hardened steel
Gears finely crossed out, milled, precision-ground and gold-plated
Graham escapement
Gold-plated escapement lever
Pendulum rod of heat treated super invar
Pendulum bob turned of solid brass, nickel-plated
Temperature compensation
Barometric compensation
Fine regulation table
Movement pillars of solid stainless steel
Solid tungsten weight, 2700g on pulley with ball bearings
Steel hands, hand-made and blued
Anodized dial
Bezel turned of solid brass, polished, nickel-plated
Winding period of 14 days
Accuracy: under optimal cond / - 4-6 seconds per month
Clock case of fine wood and fine metall inlay
Anti-reflexion crystals
Accessories drawer hidden in the base of the clock case
Beat rate: 5040 per hour