2824-00005 Page 10 of 10
Fore remote display of signals for the detector selected in the main menu
The left part of the screen displays the analog signal, two of the alarm thresholds and the alarm status (on - off).
On the right, all relevant information of the detector is displayed in text form.
The following keys can be used for specific purposes
to freeze the display
to clear the screen
for PC sound on or off
to save a hardcopy of the screen display as a bitmap in the active directory. A file will be generated and saved as
„DDMMYYAB.BMP“ where AB is used for identification of files within one day. This function is not possible when the
display is frozen.
to reset the thresholds to the minimum value. This key should be pressed prior to each walk test to make sure the
detector is at its nominal sensitivity.
When walk testing the PIR-018 make sure to
disable the ATD or to reset it by pressing [n] before each walk test
otherwise the detection will become poor due to gradual increase of the thresholds.
software programming
DIP - Switches 1 and 2
need to be set to position
on – on
Running „INST45XC.EXE“ under Windows may lead to problems therefore exit Windows and
start computer under DOS
to run the program.
Typical Display of Scope Function