Fire Protect User Manual
Fire Protect
is a wireless indoor fire detector with an in-built buzzer and a
battery, ensuring up to 4 years of autonomous operation. Fire Protect can
detect smoke and rapid temperature increase.
Connecting to the Ajax security system via a secured Jeweller radio
protocol, Fire Protect (
Fire Protect Plus
) communicates with the hub at a
distance of up to 1,300 m in line of sight.
The detector can be a part of third-party security systems, connecting to
them via the Ajax uartBridge or Ajax ocBridge Plus integration module.
The detector is set up via the Ajax apps for iOS, Android, macOS, and
Windows. The system notifies the user of all events through push
notifications, SMS, and calls (if activated).
The Ajax security system can be connected to a central monitoring station
of a security company.