SH888, S868, Standare Electrical Repair
4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/3.D
If that doesn’t help, open the phone and check for liquid damages.
Check the solderings at D600 pins 47, 62, 64, 65 and 66 (fig. 11.3).
Fig. 11.3
Check the solderings at J604 (class A, fig. 11.3) and make sure the contact pins
aren’t damaged.
If the contact pins and the solderings are ok, replace H661 (class A, fig. 11.1). If
that doesn’t help, replace C683 (class A, fig. 11.1).
If the fault remains, measure the resistances of R670 (~100 kohms, fig. 11.3), R653
(~47 ohms, fig. 11.3), L601 (~0 ohms, fig. 11.3), C623 (>1 Mohms, fig. 11.3) and
R658 (2.2 kohms, fig. 11.1, all of class A).
Measure the resistance of C686 (>100 kohms, fig. 11.1).
If it’s less, replace C686 and C684 (both of class A, fig. 11.1).
If it’s correct, replace D600 (class B). If that doesn’t help, send the phone to the
next level.