SH888, S868, Standare Electrical Repair
4/00021-2/FEA 209 544/3.D
If the resistance to ground is too low from pad:
1 - replace C659 and C689 (class A, fig. 8.1).
2 - replace C658 and C688 (class A, fig. 8.1).
3 - replace C657 and C687 (class A, fig. 8.1).
If the fault remains, replace D600 (class B, fig. 8.2).
Check the solderings at D600 pins 122, 123 and 128. Measure the resistances from
X820 (fig.8.1) pad 1 to D600 pin 122, from X820 pad 2 to D600 pin 128 and from
X820 pad 3 to D600 pin 123 (all of them ~0 ohms). If any of the resistances are
incorrect there’s a foil damage and the phone is to be discarded. If they’re all cor-
rect, replace D600 (class B, fig. 8.2).
Fig. 8.2
8.3 One or more of the keyboard keys non-
Open the phone and check for liquid damages, especially around the keys that are
non-functional. Clean the keypads thoroughly and mount the phone with a new key-
board. Check the keys as in 5.1. If that didn’t help, open the phone and check the
solderings at D600 (fig.8.2) pins 120-128 and 1. If they’re correct, give the board
power and start it up.
Measure VDIG (3.2V) at the marked side of C600 (fig. 8.2).
If VDIG is incorrect, proceed to chapter 3 (“Doesn´t start”-fault).