3/1531-HSD 101 41 Uen E 2007-08-13
Fasten the connector to the EDN612 using a Torque-driver with TORX T08
bit (0.3 Nm torque recommended). Figure 9 on page 12 (No. 3) shows the
subscriber cable connectors.
Figure 10 on page 17 shows the splitter connections.
Figure 10
Edge Connector with Splitter Connections
If it is desired to make a cable instead of using the standard cable it is
possible to do so using TFL 301 5202/12 cable and RNV 247 096/1
connector (subscriber connector). Use the EDA Subscriber hand tool (LSY
901 54) to connect the cable to the connector.
Figure 11 on page 18 shows the subscriber cable (color code according to
IEC 189-2) between the EDN612 and the splitter.
Connection to EDN612
Connection to Exchange
Connection to Line