C5621 and C33 User Guide
1/1553-KRD 131 24 Uen Rev D 2011-11-22
Ericsson AB 2011
26 (37)
Ericsson Confidential
Service Windows Registry Keys
The Ericsson WMCore service uses Windows Registry Keys to control the
module behavior during OS power-state changes. Windows TCP/IP settings
can also be optimized automatically when installing the drivers. When using
the Ericsson Mobile Broadband C++ API there is no need to manually control
the registry settings, however, integrators opting for using the module without
the API could use these. The register settings are used to control the following
Always On (OS power event behavior)
Auto connect
Auto radio enable
TCP/IP optimization for WWAN devices.
The registry settings are defined within the definition of the WMCore service.
The registry settings definition and function can be changed or removed
without prior notice.
Module state
The following parameters control the module function state during OS power
event changes. They are used to synchronize the module state to OS state.
Please refer to the AT Command Manual [4] for details on CFUN state.
The registry keys are set during the driver and WMCore installation.
Search path:
(32bit installations)
(64bit installations)
Table 1 Module state settings
REG_DWORD CFUN value to set after boot / reboot.
REG_DWORD CFUN value to set before shutdown /
KeepRadioStateDuringSleep REG_DWORD
0: Do not keep current radio state
1: Keep radio state when entering sleep