Check battery sleeve charging contacts
Check battery sleeve connections to connector PCB
Check inside connections between connector PCB
and control PCB
Inspect for cold solder joints, solder bridges or pat-
tern cuts
The following procedures will aid in isolating failures
to field/shop replacable assemblies. The procedures do not
attempt to isolate failures to the component level.
The charge control circuitry of the Standard Desk
Charger is located on the Standard Charger Board. This
board receives low voltage AC from the wall cube trans-
former. This AC supply is converted to DC by a full wave
bridge rectifier consisting of DI, D2, D3, and D4. The charg-
ing current results from the current limiting resistors R2, R3,
R4, and RS and the battery length microswitch SW301.
If the charger is not charging properly, first check the
AC input voltage from the wall transformer. AC voltage at
Jl should be l7.5 Vdc 10%. If the charger has the proper AC
input at CN3 and continuity confirms correct connections
between CN2 and the charging contacts on the battery, the
failure is on the standard Charger Board which must be
AE/LZB 119 1643