The procedures that follow describe conven-
tional mode operation. Follow these procedures
if operating in a conventional system. Each con-
ventional channel many have one or more fea-
tures programmed when the channel is selected.
The following operation is applicable to clear,
digital and private operation unless otherwise
noted. Conventional mode operation should only
be used for talkaround or testing purposes only.
Receiving A Message
Slide the ON/OFF SWITCH on the bat-
tery pack to the on position. The radio
will initiate and complete the power-up
self-test and beep if the power-up alert
tone is programmed on.
Using the CONTROL KNOB and
key, select a conventional test channel.
SELECTION operating procedures for
details. The display will indicate the se-
lected channel’s name.
Press the MONITOR BUTTON to dis-
able squelch and adjust the VOLUME
CONTROL for the approximate desired
speaker audio level.
Sending A Message
Turn the radio on, set the receive audio
level and select the desired channel.
Ensure no one is transmitting on the
selected channel by pressing the MONI-
TOR BUTTON to disable squelch or ob-
serving the display for the absence of the
BSY status flag. If the Channel Busy
Lockout feature is programmed for the
selected channel, the radio will not trans-
mit when the channel is busy.
Press and hold the PTT BUTTON. If the
selected channel is programmed for op-
eration and clear mode has been se-
lected, an alert tone (low-pitched beep)
will be heard in the speaker when the
PTT BUTTON is pressed as a warning
that the radio is not in private mode. The
TX status flag is displayed.
Hold the radio approximately three
inches from your mouth and speak into
the microphone in a normal voice.